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I agreeIt is a proven fact that poverty can be reduced and the quality of life improved by raising the overall education level of a community. Hence in another show of Safarilink's commitment to corporate social responsibility‚ this time in the education sector‚ we have officially partnered with Naboisho Primary School (Masai Mara) and Elsa Primary School (Samburu) in a 'Safarilink School Partnership Programme'.
Naboisho Primary School was established in 2012 and is located adjacent to the Naboisho Conservancy in Koiyaki Location‚ Masai Mara‚ and currently has 105 pupils from the local Maasai community. Elsa Primary School is located in Isiolo North District near Samburu‚ with a population of 559 children coming from the Samburu‚ Turkana‚ Borana and Meru communities. Both schools cater for pupils from 5 - 16 years.
Most pupils of both schools come from families with below-average financial resources and thus cannot even afford to provide the most basic school supplies. Hence for every passenger‚ we fly to Naboisho and Samburu from 01 August‚ we will contribute to the schools a 'pupil school kit' consisting of a ruler‚ eraser‚ pens‚ pencils and exercise books. Additionally‚ we will provide each school with basic teaching aids such as chalk‚ solar powered calculators‚ crayons‚ writing paper‚ etc.
We are opening this opportunity to transform lives to our business partners and clients so if you and your clients join with us then together we can do so much more that will change the lives of these youngsters. For example‚ you can donate either 'pupil school kit' items as above or suitable age storybooks that can help build up a basic library or office supplies. Accordingly please spread the word to any passenger that wishes to donate items can leave them in the collection boxes at the Safarilink check-in counter prior to their flights‚ and we will make arrangements to deliver all the items to these schools and monitor that the donated items are used appropriately.
For overseas clients‚ We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose‚ an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and bring supplies for area schools or medical clinics in need‚ you'll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families.
Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects.
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Safarilink is Kenya's premier safari airline with a network of connecting domestic scheduled services to all the best safari destinations within Kenya and across the border into northern Tanzania.